Seminar Norway - Poland partnership in Small Scale LNG solutions during BALTEXPO 11th - 12th September 2017 Gdansk -
Seminar Norway - Poland partnership in Small Scale LNG solutions during BALTEXPO 11th - 12th September 2017 Gdansk
Date of publication: 27.07.2017

Increased focus in EU on cleaner energy on which LNG will be a part of the energy mix in the future. Environmentally issues require reduced use of coal driven powerplant and for the shipping industry the ECA zone in the Baltic Sea and North Sea / English Channel requires alternatives to Heavy fuel oil and diesel oil for reduction of NOx and Sox. Local pollution is an increasing concern in many large cities including NOx, Sox and particle matters. This is supported by the EU LNG Strategy and implementation of import terminals and bunkering stations in ports and on the main road transport routs. LNG will be a natural choice for fuelling the power plants in Europe and bunkering of ships operation the region.

Norwegian Expertise

 For 50 years, Norway has been a trusted partner on the global energy market, both in terms of oil, gas and renewables. In recent decades, Norway’s export of LNG from the Norwegian continental shelf has played an increasing role as a global source of energy. Norway’s competitiveness in LNG trade as well as Norway’s well-documented expertise in the LNG sector bodes well for a closer partnership on energy between Norway and Poland.

Norwegian companies cover the complete LNG Value Chain from sourcing of LNG, Import terminals and specially the Small-Scale distribution and use of LNG over the last 15-20 years.

The Seminar “Smart Ports and cleaner energy - LNG Bunkering technologies and Distribution of LNG for Inland Waterways”

The half day seminar will present the experience, systems and services from the Norwegian LNG Industry and will discuss the possible collaboration with Polish and European partners in implementation of Small- Scale LNG infrastructure solutions for a more environmentally friendly energy society.

Visit representatives from the Norwegian LNG Cluster at our booth at BALTEXPO Exhibition.